Are you or your team struggling to hit your sales targets on a regular basis?

If this is the case, you’re not alone.

Surprisingly, experts agree only a reported 60-70% of sales reps will hit quota.

Sales targets are a common measure of how well salespeople perform, so hitting them on a consistent basis is vital.

But how can you implement changes that will help you see success?

Here are some tips on how you can hit your sales goals every month.


Ensure You’re Targeting The Right People

A large portion of sales struggles stems from not targeting the right audience.

A successful sale will only materialise if you find customers who have a need for your product.

Salespeople waste so much time trying to contact the wrong people. In fact, 41% of prospectors don’t target the right audience.

Imagine trying to sell football boots to a ballerina or oven gloves to a mechanic – they have no need for those products in their line of work.

Reaching out to the wrong people is not only a waste of time but could also damage your reputation. Not doing your research before your outreach can lead to your company gaining a spam reputation, lessening your chances of potential sales in the future.

It doesn’t matter how great a salesperson you are or how great your sweet talk may be, they’ll be useless if you aren’t reaching the right people.

Get on the right path to achieving your sales goals by contacting the appropriate people.

Target The Right People

See The Process Through To Hit Your Sales Targets

Sales isn’t a quick process.

It takes to time source leads, have an initial conversation, negotiate and then close the deal.

If only the sales process was that easy…

Unfortunately, there are many occasions when stumbling blocks appear.

Throughout the sales process, there may be 5, 10 or 15 different hurdles. You will often fall on these hurdles or hit a roadblock in the process.

You must show reliance and resist the temptation of giving up.

Too many salespeople hear the word no and lose interest in pressuring that customer.

To increase your chances of consistently hitting your sales targets, take the time to understand how to navigate a sales pitch with anyone.

Building resilience, handling objections and learning how to close deals will all help improve your skills as a salesperson and enable you to consistently hit your sales targets.

Plan Your Time Accordingly To Hit Sales Targets

Planning is everything in sales.

Organising meetings, knowing when to reach out to people and scheduling calls are all vital aspects of your day-to-day role.

You will struggle to regularly hit your sales targets if you are not organised.

Plan a daily or weekly schedule of everything you need to do, order them by importance and set priorities to help deals move further down your pipeline.

If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail. Don’t let poor time management block you from hitting your sales goals.


Try New Sales Techniques

As Albert Einstein once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

If you’ve been struggling with sales goals, you may need to take a different approach that could see an upturn in results.

Have you been asking enough questions?

Salespeople don’t close deals because they don’t understand the customer’s needs. Did you ask enough questions during the first contact? Do you fully understand why they need your product? If not, maybe try asking more questions in your next pitch.

How did you source your leads?

Have you recently been getting your leads from only one or two places? Do you even currently source your own leads?

If you’ve seen a slow decline in quality leads, your pool to reach out to may be wearing thin.

To increase your chances of finalising more deals, broaden your lead search. Have you tried social media? Mail lists? Outreach campaigns? 56% of sales professionals use social media to find new prospects. 

There’s a lot of variety out there – could you join them?

When are you reaching out?

Typically, most salespeople call their list of leads during the busy 9-5 working hours. This makes sense as many businesses operate during these hours, so you’d think you’d see greater success at this time.

But what if you tried prospecting outside of these hours?

As a Sales Solution Specialist, we see great success from our internal sales team when they try reaching out to clients outside of working hours. If you haven’t already, consider a test call or two outside office hours – you’ll be amazed by the results!

Hit Your Sales Targets With AvA-V’s Bespoke Sales Training

If you or your team have been struggling to achieve your sales targets, maybe you need some external support to give you the boost you require.

Look no further than AvA-V’s tailored sales programmes.

We provide Sales Training and Sales Leadership Training to businesses that require assistance with all aspects of the sales cycle.

We will learn about your stumbling blocks, take your requirements and develop a training course that is entirely bespoke to your business.