Lots of people thrive under pressure. The adrenaline rush that a high workload brings is where many people enter their element. Many employees struggle to manage their day and want to know how to improve organisational skills.

Honing your organisational skills can make your work life more manageable. Sorting workloads and prioritising tasks efficiently are skills many of us would like but currently don’t have.

If you want to know how to improve organisational skills to increase your efficiency at work, we have some tips and tricks that will help you get on top of your workload and allow you to flourish in your role.

Clear Your Space To Clear Your Mind

One of the easiest and most effective steps, sorting your space can massively boost productivity levels.

Trying to focus when there’s a mountain of paperwork on your left, 3 empty mugs on your right and a heap of sticky notes in front of you will prove difficult. There’s far too much going on around you and the mess can cause stress which will decrease productivity levels.

The obvious answer to this problem is to tidy up.

Your desk is your space, so it should be organised however you like. It shouldn’t be full of notepads and sheets people dump anywhere.

study by researchers at the Princeton University Neuroscience Institute found that when an individual perceives clutter around them, their ability to focus decreases.

Have dedicated folders and notepads for different areas of your work. Ensure all loose paperwork is tidied and remove any materials you no longer use.

How to Improve Organisational Skills

How To Improve Organisational Skills - Minimise Distractions

As the workplace becomes more digital, we are constantly alerted to new thoughts and shared ideas. Whether they manifest as an email, LinkedIn notification or calendar invite, our attention is often drawn away from our main priorities.

It would be unfair to pin distractions entirely on technology. After all, there are always meetings to be held and colleagues who need a favour.

If you’re finding that your organisation skills are lacking due to the number of distractions you’re facing, you need to find a way to tackle the root of the problem.

Whilst muting work notifications isn’t the best solution (you don’t want to miss an email from the big boss), there are setting you can put in place to quieten certain notifications.

Find something to assist you with your focus. Everybody has different motivational triggers. Some people have a favourite spot to work in, some listen to music that helps them focus, and some have a drink that gives them the boost they need. Explore different options and find something that will help your focus.

Prioritise and Create Daily Checklists

If you have a lot on your plate, organising your tasks can be tricky and overwhelming.

Should you tackle the big projects and get them out of the way? Or should you check the “easier” tasks off first for a motivation boost?

The truth is, there is no “best way” when it comes to organising your workload. Tasks should be done in a way that will optimise your performance – it is finding that way that can prove troublesome.

You should write a list of tasks for that day to help you start the process. Depending on your role and your position within your business, you will either decide your tasks yourself or have a list of tasks handed to you by a manager.

Task distribution typically occurs at the start of a working week, so it’s up to you how you decide to split these tasks. Spend time dividing your tasks between your days to create a manageable workflow. 

Once your task list has materialised, you should assign a priority level to each task. Label each job as high, medium or low priority depending on deadlines and submission dates. By giving priority levels to your jobs, you will create a clear, actionable path that will deliver excellent results at the end of the day. Most employees have checked out between 4pm and 6pm. Schedule critical events early on to avoid running out of steam.

Creating an actionable plan you can follow can help you visualise the path to the day’s success.

How to Improve Organisational Skills - Don’t Overdo It

One of the biggest challenges of a heavy workload is the possibility of overworking yourself. With lots to do and deadlines looming, you may be tempted to continuously stay late after work.

Don’t do this.

A positive and successful work-life balance is essential to being highly organised and increasing productivity at work.

Too much continuous work can lead to higher levels of stress and anxiety, Ensure that you don’t overdo it and that your health and wellbeing comes first.

It is important to recognise that a work-life balance isn’t set in stone. There may be times where you need to put in extra work, but you can balance this out with holiday.

Allow Yourself To Relax and Don't Overdo It

How to Improve Organisational Skills With AvA-V

Learning how to improve organisational skills is a key soft skill that can help you go for in your role.

Being capable of prioritising your tasks, setting deadlines and organising your workflow are great skills that will help you stand out in your team.

Organisational skills aren’t just a valuable asset to you, they’re also a valuable asset to the company. Developing strong organisational skills will not only help your performance at work, but it’ll also bring many benefits to those around you and the wider business.