A business growth strategy is something all business owners have on their minds at all times. Whether you’re actively looking to expand or if it’s just a task you need to keep ticking along, it’s a job that can never be ignored.

There’s no better time than the present to implement a new business growth strategy. As we’re in the midst of graduate season, have you considered altering your hiring approach?

With so much fresh talent actively seeking new opportunities, all businesses should take this opportunity to embed new employees.

If your business is ready to grow, here’s why you should consider recruiting graduates.

You'll Gain Unique Perspectives

Depending on how much time has passed since your last hire, your team may have fallen into a repetitive, monotonous slump.

People get comfortable in their roles and stick to the same day-to-day tasks they’ve become so used to. A worry for you is that this could lead to decreased motivation in your team.

Mix things up with volume recruitment.

If you need a business growth strategy to revitalise and re-energise a group, hiring en masse may be what you’re looking for.

The prospect of developing a workforce consisting of multiple generations will provide richer, more structured insights that will provide balanced results that will help your business grow.

Grads Will Prove Unique Opportunities

It’s A Good Business Growth Strategy To Mould Your Own Talent

Volume hiring looks past prior experience.

That’s because people recruited in a volume hiring setting can be moulded to fit the needs of your business.

Unlike people with more experience, they won’t have a subconscious bias against changing how they work.

You can get your new hires to learn your systems, embrace your culture and complete the process in a set order, and they’ll (usually) be more than happy to follow that process.

You'll Hire People Who Are Wired to Learn

Young people are so easy to mould because they’re still wired to learn.

Whilst they may have mastered the art of writing a dissertation or embedded the knowledge of a specific topic, young workers are eager to learn, gain more experience and sharpen their skills.

They want to make a strong impression in their first role.

They already have transferable skills (IT skills, communication, teamwork) but they want to prove themselves and take on as many hard skills as possible.

This provides you, as a manager, with an exciting opportunity to teach keen learners everything you know about your industry. This will set both them and yourself up for future success.

Graduates Want To Learn

It's A Cost-Effective Business Growth Strategy

The hiring process will cost money – every business should know and be prepared for this.

But you can greatly nullify the costs by making the right hire.

Nobody wants to earn less than what they’re worth, but people hired in a volume setting are statistically more likely to be flexible on their salary bands.

Not only will they save you money in the hiring process, but they’ll also add value to your business over time.

For example, did you know that graduates contribute approximately £1 billion of added value to the UK economy annually?

And whilst not every hire you make is a graduate, similar people with similar skills will equally contribute as much to your business.

When combined with their adaptability, this business growth strategy becomes a no-brainer!

With the right training and mentoring, think of what they could do for your business.

The Business Growth Strategy You Didn't Know You Needed

Hopefully, it has become clearer that investing in young people is a viable business growth strategy that all businesses should adopt.

It’s a strategy that provides new opportunities to diversify and expand your salesforce, whilst also enhancing your business in both the short and long term.

If you haven’t already, consider volume hiring.