Investing in staff development is something all great leaders should do regularly, but do you know how crucial it can be to the success of your business?

You shouldn’t focus your efforts on building a business – you should instead build people.

Your people are the driving force behind your success. The hard work they put into their jobs will play a massive factor in how well your business performs.

Despite this, many managers pass up on the opportunity to invest in staff development. The benefits may be many, but they chose to put away the low-hanging fruit that will provide them with results.

Investing In Staff Development Will… Maximise Performance

Depending on the job they do, your employees will need specific skills in their toolkits.

These will sometimes be hard skills that they will have gained through intense learning or previous experiences. They may also be soft skills that have developed naturally over time.

Regardless of the skills they need, your staff will always benefit from extra training and support.

Your team may take on a new project where they need additional support to complete it to the best of their abilities.

Investing in employee development will enable them to maximise their day-to-day performance. In fact, 59% of employees believe that more training improves their performance.

Once you’ve invested in staff development, you’ll enable them to work with confidence at maximum efficiency, driving overall business performance.

Doing this will free up time for yourself and fellow senior leaders to focus on progressing the business elsewhere.

Investing In Employee Development Will… Help People Reach Their Potential

A strong and varied team should consist of experienced heads and raw potential.

Having a good mix of the two creates a diverse range of experience, knowledge and approaches. Each of these factors contributes to a thriving workforce.

Despite the vastly different experiences you may possess in your team, you must help everyone reach their potential.

Every employee reaches a point in their career where they want to step up and move forward.

Regardless of whether a trainee wants to become full-time or an experienced executive wants to step into a leadership role, it’s your duty as a manager to encourage this growth.

You can do this by providing them with appropriate training courses that match their aspirations. Help them develop their desired skills by providing them with elite material specific to them.

Investing resources into their career development will show them you want them to stick around long-term and that you value their efforts. 

An essential aspect of modern employment…

Investing in Staff Development Will… Increase Staff Retention

More workers are seeking validation from their employers.

They want to hear they’re doing a great job, that their time is valued and that you’re noticing the hard work they’re putting in.

Employee retention matters.

Especially with how volatile the current job market is, your staff are more likely than ever to leave. According to The Guardian, over half of the working UK population is expected to change jobs this year.

You need to do everything you can to keep hold of your team, and what’s better than employee development?

Investing in staff development will show your staff you’re serious about their future. This will, in turn, will make them want to stick around.

Understanding you have their best interests at heart will increase your reputation as an employer.

Investing In Staff Training And Development Will… Make You An Appealing Choice

Employer branding plays a big part in making great hires, and you NEED to ensure you get it right.

You can control your reputation from within.

If you treat your existing crop of talent well, they’ll be more likely to talk to others about what a great employer you are.

And then they’ll tell others.

And then the others will tell others.

Before you know it, you’ll have dozens of candidates queueing up at your door.

With the generational switch in the workplace, you need to stay aligned with what modern employees want. A reported 59% of millennials claim development opportunities are extremely important when deciding whether to apply for a position.

Investing in staff development essentially gets your team to do your recruitment for you. They build interest and excitement in others and alert them to the possibility of a caring and nurturing employer.

Investing In Staff Development With AvA-V

Hopefully, you now understand the importance of investing in employee development.

It will skill up your existing staff, help with retention numbers and alert new applicants to your amazing work environment.

So staff training and development is essential, but how do you know who to choose to help provide the training?

Look no further than AvA-V!

We have several training solutions that are tailored to your specific business needs. If you want to equip your staff with new tips, tools and techniques, let us assist you!