As the great man once said “Just listen to your gut, and on the way down to your gut, check in with your heart. Between those two things, they’ll let you know what’s what.”

The show has seen success since it first aired in 2020. This latest season has made us laugh, cheer and cry, but it’s also taught us about business and leadership.

The successful comedy about a man who stumbled his way into a football management job may have won hearts worldwide, but there are actually several life lessons we can all take from the Apple TV+ success.

Here’s how to manage Ted Lasso style.

It’s Good To Try New Things

As a business leader, you must shoulder the responsibility of innovation, adaptation and discovery.

It can be easy to get good at what we do and adapt to a routine every day. Whilst this may produce results initially, the effectiveness of this will dwindle with time.

Routines are fantastic but can leave us ticking along as we repeatedly complete the same tasks.

Taking risks and stepping out of your comfort zone will drive change and help you develop yourself.

Ted Lasso tested new tactics and made discoveries as he sharpened his skills as a football manager. 

Don’t be afraid to introduce new ideas or change formulas every now and then – it may just provide the spark you need.

How To Manage People - Listen To Others

Bad leaders rarely listen to others.

They sit in their office with the door closed and make decisions without consulting others.

What these leaders don’t realise is that the answers to their problems often come from those around them.

As a leader, you must listen to your employees.

Take Ted Lasso as an example; He had a Kit Man at AFC Richmond (Nate) who was just a regular staff member. What nobody knows is that Nate has some brilliant ideas about how to coach – that was until he shared ideas with Ted.

His ideas and enthusiasm influenced Ted to add Nate to his coaching staff, helping him formally influence his decisions.

Hearing what others say is a skill that all great leaders possess. You hired your staff for a reason – don’t let their talents go to waste.

How To Manage - Learn As You Lead

Learning isn’t something that shouldn’t stop just because you get a new title.

Learning is a continuous process that happens throughout our life. As a leader, you are responsible for finding ways to improve yourself and increase your influence on others.

By remaining open to new development opportunities, you’re not only expanding your knowledge, but you’re also increasing your popularity as a leader.

69% of employees say they would work harder if they felt their efforts were better recognised.

Leadership development is a theme that appears in every season of Ted Lasso.

Ted wasn’t a master tactician when he had his big breakthrough (he was barely a football manager!), but he took the time to learn and home his craft, resulting in the grand finale of the latest season.

Ensure you always make the time to learn new things.

Show Vulnerability & Humanity

This is arguably the most important takeaway from the show.

Just because you have a big title doesn’t mean you have to be less human.

It can be difficult to admit when you’re wrong.

Owning up to your mistakes and putting your hands up takes a lot, especially in a leadership position where everyone looks up to you.

If you want to know how to manage, look no further than Ted Lasso’s approach to vulnerability.

Ted often hid when he was hurt or distressed, which led to him not being the best version of himself. This then had an impact on his team’s performance.

Showing vulnerability is a great thing, and it will help build stronger bonds with those around you.

How To Manage People The AvA-V Way

Now we’ve examined how Ted Lasso manages, it’s time to learn to manage the AvA-V way.

We encourage all of our people to find their leadership style and lead in a way that will help them be productive, approachable and human.

We have a range of leadership courses available for those looking to learn new skills, refine existing talents or refresh their knowledge.

If you want to know how to manage people, sign up for a bespoke AvA-V leadership course today.