Are you struggling to retain your top employees? Are you struggling to understand how to reduce employee turnover?

Staff turnover is something that every business experiences during its lifetime, but staff resignation will fluctuate over time.

People will leave your business – that’s a given.

Nobody will stay in the same job forever.

However, if you’ve been noticing a mass exodus of employees, you need to learn how to reduce employee turnover, and quickly.

Here’s AvA-V’s Lydia explaining how to combat staff turnover.


Set Expectations From The Start

One of the most common reasons for business departures is because they’re sold a dream.

Throughout the hiring process, applicants hear about this world-class business with big visions and a fantastic environment.

Then when they start, they realise hardly any of the visions you shared with them are actually true.

Whilst you may not have intentionally lied to anybody, you view your business differently from everybody else.

What you think is great is different to what others think is.

To avoid this issue, map out a clear plan and set exceptions from the start of their employment.

Make them aware of progression opportunities they’ll have, tell them what happens at employment milestones and ensure they understand how important their work will be to your business.

These actions should help with employee retention later down the line.


Maintain Consistent Communication

Nobody likes being in the dark, especially in the workplace.

More and more people want a role with an open and approachable employer.

They want an employer who will listen to their problems, understand their concerns and provide solutions.

You can do this by implementing an open-door policy.

Let your team know you’ll always be available, should they have anything you want to talk to them about.

Not only will an open communication policy increase morale, but it will also boost performance.

72% of business leaders believe that effective communication has increased their team’s productivity.

If you want improved business results and to see employee retention rates rise, implement a stronger, more open communication process.

Click here if you want to learn more about the importance of communication in recruitment.


Offer Unique Benefits

Is your business currently going through a morale slump?

It’s more common than you may realise, but you must understand specifically why your business is experiencing this.

A team who aren’t heard are less likely to be engaged, leading to decreased morale.

Offering unique benefits is one of the most proven ways of combatting a dip in morale.

Regardless of whether you’re hiring new employees or trying to motivate your existing team, you need to display what makes your business different. This will help with employment longevity and increased tenure.

What can your business do or offer that will encourage them to stick around?

Something you can do is acknowledge your team.

People crave recognition. They want to be noticed when they go above and beyond.

Reward those who go the extra mile with a little incentive to encourage others to work just as hard.

These rewards don’t have to be enormous – something as small as a round of coffee can boost staff morale


Encourage A Healthy Work-Life Balance

Many employers forget that their staff are people – they forget (or don’t care) that they have lives outside of work.

This a sign of a toxic employer that needs to change its stance on work-life balance.

If you’ve seen a huge in employee resignations, have you considered that you might be overworking them without even realising it?

Whilst some people have success leaving their work at the door, many people struggle to switch off at the end of the day.

They’ll often take work home with them or work through breaks to finish a big project. Some people even sit in bed and scroll through LinkedIn, trying to find new business at late hours.

This has become more prominent since the rise of remote working.

44% of UK British people either work from home full or part-time. This environment, whilst it has many benefits, also blurs the lines between work life and home life.

So what can you do as an employer to fix this issue?

Well, as the boss, you have a responsibility to encourage your employees to switch off at the end of each day.

You must develop an environment that tells people to switch off and enjoy their home lives. Without your support, they may never learn how to stop working.

How To Reduce Employee Turnover With The Help Of AvA-V

If you’re struggling to keep hold of top talent, have you considered seeking support from elsewhere?

At AvA-V, we pride ourselves on our commitment to employee and candidate care, and we understand the problems that people face when

We understand what makes people tick and how to find key ideas that will increase their engagement with their work.

If you require any assistance with staff retention, get in touch with us today.

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