2023 has been a critical year for kicking your manufacturing recruitment sales process into fifth gear.

Whilst many industries have been experiencing a growth halt, the manufacturing industry has continued to steadily creep up.

The industry hasn’t been a stranger to the threat of inflation, market volatility and inconsistent production rates, but even with these uncertainties, it continues to chug along.

One of the biggest successes this year has been the workforce. Businesses are growing their teams ahead of the curve, leading to a thriving workforce.

And with further growth forecast for the years ahead, manufacturing businesses need to prioritise their recruitment now so they’re not playing catch-up later on.

As Sales Solution Specialists, we know how critical it is that manufacturing businesses continue to enhance their sales teams.

We’ve paid close attention to sales and recruitment trends across the manufacturing sector, and we’ve spotted some reoccurring trends that we think should be highlighted.

So, here’s our take on the 2023 manufacturing recruitment trends and how your business can continue to thrive in the hiring department.

Prioritise Your Candidate Experience

Like many industries, the manufacturing industry has seen a shortage of top talent.

This is a result of increased resignations, fewer young people entering the industry and manufacturing being an industry that hasn’t experienced a significant “boom”.

The candidate shortage creates increased pressure to hire skilled executives. However, because salespeople possess a more generic skill set, they’re open to opportunities in other sectors.

So, what can your business do to attract top sales talent?

The first step is to create a candidate expense that will incentivise applicants to join your business.

Develop an easy-to-follow, enjoyable process that signposts what candidates can expect throughout their recruitment journey.

You can do this by regularly remaining in contact with your applicants, providing them with updates on the status of their applications and giving them advice to help them stand out in the interview.

AvA-V can help you create an unbeatable candidate experience.

Our specialist sales recruiters will take the time to carefully learn the ins and outs of your business and craft a tailored recruitment programme that keeps candidates engaged at every turn.

Smoothing Out Your Process

Not only is hiring a crucial priority of all businesses but there’s also an emphasis on hiring the right people.

Industry businesses cannot afford to make mistakes when hiring salespeople.

The pressure on manufacturing recruitment managers is immense.

As mentioned above, good salespeople can theoretically work in any industry, as they have the core skills to say anything.

Hubspot actually lists Wholesale and Manufacturing Sales Reps as the fifth most hireable sales job in 2023. With the aforementioned talent attraction priority, it’s clear why there’s such a demand for sales talent.

So, how can you ensure you make great hires the first time around?

Well, investing in a bespoke recruitment process is a great place to start.

Mapping out a flowchart of when you want to make hires and how many hires you must make can help you exceed your hiring quota with bespoke hiring solutions.

Having a process you can visualise can help bring your recruitment campaign to life.

If you choose to work with AvA-V for your bespoke recruitment campaign, you can expect to work with dedicated recruiters who know how to find top manufacturing sales talent.

Regardless of the seniority of the role, we can find the right salesperson for you.

Enhance Your Manufacturing Recruitment Process Today

If your manufacturing business needs help hiring top sales talent, it would be beneficial to find external support.

AvA-V can be that external help.

Having helped source and attract top sales talent in the industrial sector, we understand the needs of businesses in 2023.

We pride ourselves on only sourcing the best. We will only submit candidates that we genuinely believe fit the mould of your business.